
Update time:2021/09/29 16:26:09  ???View:  
N-Heptane (English name: n-Heptane) is a colorless, volatile liquid. It is mainly used as a standard for determining the octane number, and can also be used as anesthetics, solvents, raw materials for organic synthesis and the preparation of experimental reagents.
Physical and chemical properties
Main ingredients: pure product
Appearance and properties: Colorless and volatile liquid.
Melting point (℃): -90.5
Boiling point (℃): 98.5
Relative density (water=1): 0.68
Relative vapor density (air=1): 3.45
Saturated vapor pressure (kPa): 5.33(22.3℃)
Heat of combustion (kJ/mol): 4806.6
Critical temperature (℃): 266.98℃
Critical pressure (MPa): 2.74
Flash point (℃): -4 Ignition temperature (℃): 204
Upper explosion limit%(V/V): 6.7
Lower explosion limit%(V/V): 1.1
Solubility: Hardly soluble in water, slightly soluble in methanol, and miscible in ether, chloroform, dichloromethane and other low-polar solvents.  
Health hazards: This product has anesthesia and irritation. Acute poisoning: Inhalation of this product's vapor can cause dizziness, nausea, anorexia, euphoria and staggering gait, and even loss of consciousness and stupor. It is mildly irritating to the skin. Chronic effects: Long-term exposure can cause neurasthenia syndrome. A few people have mild neutropenia and indigestion.
Explosion hazard: This product is flammable and irritating.
Skin contact: Take off contaminated clothing and rinse the skin thoroughly with soap and water. Eye contact: Lift the eyelid and rinse with running water or normal saline. Seek medical attention.
Inhalation: Quickly leave the scene to a place with fresh air. Keep the airway unobstructed. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If breathing stops, give artificial respiration immediately. Seek medical attention. Ingestion: Drink enough warm water to induce vomiting. Seek medical attention.
Hazard characteristics: It is flammable. Its vapor and air can form an explosive mixture. It may burn and explode when exposed to heat sources and open flames. Contact with oxidant will cause chemical reaction or cause combustion. After high-speed impact, flow, and agitation, it can cause combustion and explosion due to electrostatic spark discharge. Its vapor is heavier than air and can spread to a considerable distance at a lower place, and will ignite when it encounters a fire source.
Hazardous combustion products: carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide.
Fire extinguishing method: Spray water to cool the container. If possible, move the container from the fire scene to an open place. If the container in the fire scene has changed color or produces sound from the safety relief device, it must be evacuated immediately.
Fire extinguishing agent: foam, carbon dioxide, dry powder, sand. Extinguishing with water is ineffective.
Precautions for storage: Store in a cool, ventilated warehouse. Keep away from fire and heat sources. The storage temperature should not exceed 30°C. Keep the container tightly closed. should be kept away from oxidizer, do not store together. Use explosion-proof lighting and ventilation facilities. It is forbidden to use mechanical equipment and tools that are prone to sparks. The storage area should be equipped with leakage emergency treatment equipment and suitable storage materials.
TLVTN: OSHA 500ppm,2050mg/m3; ACGIH 400ppm,1640mg/m3 TLVWN: ACGIH 500ppm,2050mg/m3
Engineering control: The production process is closed and fully ventilated. Provide safety shower and eyewash equipment. Respiratory protection: When the concentration in the air is high, wear a filter gas mask (half mask).
Eye protection: Wear safety glasses. Body protection: Wear anti-static overalls. Hand protection: Wear rubber and oil resistant gloves.
Other protection: Smoking is strictly prohibited on the work site. Avoid long-term repeated contact.
Incompatible materials: Strong oxidizer.
Acute toxicity: LD50: 222 mg/kg (mouse intravenous) LC50: 75000mg/m3, 2 hours (mouse inhalation )
Other harmful effects: This substance may be harmful to the environment, may cause pollution to water bodies and the atmosphere, and is in the food chain important to humans , Especially bioaccumulation occurs in fish. Disposal methods: Refer to relevant national and local regulations before disposal. It is recommended to use incineration for disposal. Dangerous Goods Number: 32006
UN number: 1206 Packing group: O52
Packaging method: Small opening steel drum; ordinary wooden box outside the ampoule; screw-top glass bottle, iron-capped glass bottle , Plastic bottles or ordinary wooden boxes outside metal barrels (cans).
Transportation precautions: The transportation vehicles should be equipped with corresponding types and quantities of fire-fighting equipment and leakage emergency treatment equipment during transportation. It is best to transport sooner or later in summer. The tank (tank) truck used during transportation should have a grounding chain, and a hole partition can be set in the tank to reduce vibration and static electricity. Mixed shipment and transportation with oxidants and edible chemicals are strictly prohibited. Avoid exposure to the sun, rain, and high temperature during transportation. Stay away from fire, heat sources, and high-temperature areas during stopovers. The exhaust pipe of the vehicle carrying the item must be equipped with a fire arrester, and it is prohibited to use mechanical equipment and tools that are prone to sparks for loading and unloading. When transporting by road, follow the prescribed route and do not stop in residential or densely populated areas. It is forbidden to drop off during railway transportation. It is strictly forbidden to transport in bulk by wooden ships or cement ships.
Mainly used as a standard for determining the octane number, as well as anesthetics, solvents and raw materials for organic synthesis, and the preparation of experimental reagents

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